FAQs About Private Speech & Language Therapy...
Hopefully you should find answers to most of your questions in our FAQs section. Please do not hesitate to contact Children's Speech Therapy NI should you require any further information.
A family history of speech and language problems is often an indicator that a difficulty may develop; however, this is not always the case. Children who have experienced frequent ear infections with hearing loss often are at risk of developing speech sound difficulties.
Some children may also have speech sound problems simply because they have learned to produce a sound incorrectly.
Research indicates that if a child's speech and language is not intelligible by five and a half years old it is probable that his/her literacy skills may be compromised.
No, a doctor's referral is not necessary for the assessment of your child's speech or language. Simply contact the Speech Therapist who will be happy to arrange an appointment.
Normally your child will be seen by the Speech Therapist within one week. The short waiting time will ensure there is no delay in your child's treatment.
Our aim is to make private Speech and Language Therapy affordable. Fees are based upon the recommended national guidelines for the profession. Details of our fees and Terms & Conditions are available on request. Simply get in touch and the Speech Therapist will be happy to provide you with these.
All prices include take-home material and resources for parents, planning, preparation time and administration. Detailed reports are an additional cost.
Yes. However, before commencing treatment we recommend that you check with your insurance provider the level of Speech and Language Therapy cover to which you are entitled.
Speech and language assessments take approximately an hour. Speech therapy sessions can last up to one hour and vary depending on the difficulty presented and the age of your child. Younger children typically cope better with shorter appointments.
This includes direct therapy with your child and time taken to discuss progress and addressing any queries you may have.
Yes, direct parental involvement is encouraged throughout and is crucial towards success. As part of the treatment process the Speech Therapist can provide parents with a home programme developed around the specific needs of your child including stimulating reading material, resources and interactive activities to integrate into his/her everyday routine. This will greatly help your child's development and ensure targets are being achieved.
The frequency will really depend on the nature of the problem. The Speech Therapist will discuss a time frame and goals to work towards with you and make recommendations regarding this once your child has been assessed.
It is never easy to predict the treatment length as every child is individual and many factors can influence his/her response to Speech and Language Therapy. Depending on the nature of the difficulty and support available outside of the sessions, speech therapy could last from just a few weeks to a number of months. The Speech Therapist will continually monitor and review your child's progress ensuring his/her best interests and that targets are achieved.
Yes, if your child is already receiving input from the NHS it is usually in the child's best interest for both Speech Therapists to collaborate with parental consent. It is important that assessment results and therapy targets are shared with your permission to ensure effective management.
Referrals from community clinics, health visitors, paediatricians and other healthcare specialists are gladly welcomed; however, most parents make contact directly with the Speech Therapist.